Namespaces are a feature in i18next internationalization framework which allows you to separate translations that get loaded into multiple files.
While in a smaller project it might be reasonable to just put everything in one file you might get at a point where you want to break translations into multiple files. Reasons might be:
You start losing the overview having more than 300 segments in a file
Not every translation needs to be loaded on the first page, speed up load time
🎓 Check out this topic in the i18next crash course video.
semantic reasons
Often you wish to separate some segments out because they belong together. We do this in most of our projects, eg.:
common.json -> Things that are reused everywhere, eg. Button labels 'save', 'cancel'
validation.json -> All validation texts
glossary.json -> Words we want to be reused consistently inside texts
technical / editorial reasons
More often you don't want to load all the translations upfront or at least reduce the amount loaded. This reason often goes hand in hand with the one translation file gets too large and you start losing the overview scrolling through hundreds of text fragments.
namespace per view/page
namespace per application section / feature set (admin area, ...)
namespace per module which gets lazy loaded (single page applications)
Check the extended sample on the getting started page for a running sample.
Last updated